The Future of E-commerce and How to Prepare Your Business

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic compelled people to start shopping more online, ecommerce was on the rise. A report by Canada Post states that in 2018, eight out of ten Canadians bought products online and eMarketer predicted that spending would rise to nearly $108 billion by 2023.

Thanks to mobile technology and changing consumer expectations, ecommerce is here to stay, and it’s only going to get bigger. In this blog, we’ll explain how you can prepare your business for success online.

Build a responsive website

E-commerce websites need to be visually appealing, easy to navigate, and designed to look great and function properly on all platforms, devices and browsers. If it’s been awhile since your business site was last updated, consider hiring a digital marketing company to refresh the look and make it mobile-friendly. It’s important to note that 61% of mobile searchers are more likely to contact a business with a mobile-friendly site and 57% won’t recommend a site that displays poorly on their device.

Personalize the customer experience

Consumers today want personalized services and products, and ecommerce businesses are coming up with creative ways to give it to them. Some fashion brands present virtual models with a body type similar to the customer, so they can ‘try’ on items before buying them. A growing number of hardware providers let buyers specify or request add-ons or upgrades before the item is purchased, so that it is tailored to meet their needs.

If you’re not at the stage where you’re ready to invest in this level of technology, make sure your staff are prepared to provide phone or email support that results in a positive buying experience for your customers.

Make the buying process easy

Websites are not like traditional paper catalogues. Consumers aren’t inclined to browse through page after page until they find what they want. If it takes too long to search for a product or service, they’ll go to a competitor who offers a more convenient shopping experience.

Use clear and logical site navigation (for example, ‘blouses, skirts,’ and shoes’ should be categorized under ‘Women’s Apparel’ instead of ‘Clothing’), add a search box for those who know exactly what they want, and place a ‘Buy Now’ or “Add to Cart” button on each product page, so that making a purchase is effortless.

Be active on social media

The separation between businesses and their clients is diminishing. Consumers want to interact with their favourite trusted brands the same way that they communicate with friends. Success in ecommerce means tailoring your sales approach to treat buyers as real people with specific needs instead of an abstract concept. Word of mouth is more powerful than ever, and when your interactions with your target audience are positive, encourage them to write a review or spread the word.


Thanks to the rise of online shopping, businesses that want to remain competitive need digital marketing and dependable logistics. At WDG Logistics, we can help your company adapt to changing consumer behaviour and thrive as ecommerce deepens its impact on the Canadian marketplace.